Board Elections

Elections 2024

This year’s candidates are:

  • Kirk Gradin
  • Angels Torra Buron
  • Fernando Mansur

On the board candidates page you can read the profiles and bio of the candidates. 

The terms for board members are staggered, which means that each year approximately 1/3 of the positions are vacant or up for re-election. Board members are elected by the members of ITC.

Requirements for Board members

Board members have to comply with the following requirements:

  1. to have a good command of English
  2. to agree with and support all four purposes and the bylaws of ITC
  3. to be a member for minimum 1 year
  4. give the names of 2-3 ITC-members’ references to support the nomination
  5. to have attended one out of the three last ITC conferences
  6. to have a good internet connection in order to be able to participate in Zoom board meetings
  7. to be able to attend all monthly board meetings mostly on Saturday 20:00 CE(S)T plus the annual retreat
  8. to attend the ITC annual conferences
  9. to be willing to do additional tasks beyond attending the board meetings
  10. to support and proactively promote ITC’s purposes in your own organization or study group
  11. to have experience serving in your respective theosophical organizations or study groups

Furthermore, experience with serving ITC in any way, serving on other boards, with management, teamwork and working toward consensus building is preferred, but not mandatory.

Process following nomination

Following receipt of a nomination the Nominating Committee will verify eligibility of the nominee. Once confirmation of their intention to run in the election and willingness to serve is established, the nominee is then considered “official” and is asked to provide a biography and motivation based on a short questionnaire as a suggested guideline.

Once official, the nominee is listed on the ITC website with the biography, motivation and 2-3 ITC-members’ references to support the candidate as a nominee for the election.

At least one month prior to the election, ITC members have the opportunity to learn about the nominees by viewing the biographies and motivations that are published on the website.

Voting & election process

ITC members can vote by e-mail ballot, provided by our secretary one month before the Annual Membership Meeting

The nominees that receive the majority of the votes, become board members.

The elected board members will be announced at the Annual Membership Meeting.