Purposes and declarations


International Theosophy Conferences Inc. is a platform where Theosophical organizations and all other earnest students of Theosophy meet.

This infers that ITC won’t typically function as another Theosophical vehicle, in spreading Theosophy itself. Instead ITC is committed to connect all Theosophists, supporting them in their common cause in the light of the purposes of ITC, which are:

  1. To maintain the principles of the Modern Theosophical Movement presented by H. P. B. as a living power in the minds and hearts of Humanity, encouraging explorations in the light of her teachings.
  2. To foster mutual meaningful intercommunication, understanding and respect among the Theosophical mainstreams, stimulating thereby continuous spiritual Unity.
  3. To be a platform, supporting and sponsoring the annual international Conference of Theosophical Organizations.
  4. To unite people in sharing the Philosophy of Theosophy, studying and further exploring Religion, Philosophy and Science from a Theosophical Perspective.


Considering that ITC is a platform where theosophical organizations and Theosophists meet to spread wisdom in the world, the declarations below are meant as joint statements. It summarizes our commitment, expresses our shared vision for the future and the way we want to work together towards that future.

The declarations below were drafted during 2 conferences:

  • The Naarden Declarations was composed during ITC 2014
  • The Philadelphia Declaration was composed during ITC 2017

The Naarden Declaration (2014)

Having respect for the diversity and freedom of the various Theosophical streams, we will endeavor to act as a Beacon of Light for bringing Theosophy in accordance with* the teachings of H. P. Blavatsky and her Masters to the world. In an undogmatic manner and through harmonious cooperation we will strengthen the Theosophical Movement for the benefit of humanity.

  • In the spirit of unity and brotherhood, we endeavour to make Theosophy a living power in the world.
  • We commit ourselves through learning, training and cross pollination to popularize and keep the teachings alive for future generations.

* in accordance with: in harmony with – in conformity with – consistent with

The Philadelphia Declaration (2017)

We commit ourselves to facilitate the creation of working conferences harnessing the unique genius of the various theosophical streams, by:

  • Identifying suffering/hot topics that need a solution from theosophical perspective
  • Studying and contemplating the theosophical teachings and selecting the relevant principles
  • Translating these into modern language/ putting these into context
  • Developing pure and simple applications (products)
  • Inspire, encourage or facilitate theosophical branches or organizations to enter the arena*, to offer these solutions

“we have it in our power to begin the world over again”
– Th. Paine

* The Letter of The Maha Chohan (click here to read the letter)