FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

On this page you can read frequently asked questions about ITC and its purposes.

Purpose of ITC

  • Why is ITC's first purpose: 'To maintain the principles of the Modern Theosophical Movement presented by H. P. B. as a living power in the minds and hearts of Humanity, encouraging explorations in the light of her teachings.'? Show answer Close

    Never has it been more necessary for the Members of the T.S. to lay to heart the old parable of the bundle of sticks, than it is at the present time: divided, they will inevitably be broken, one by one; united, there is no force on Earth able to destroy our Brotherhood.
    – H.P. Blavatsky ‘Letter to the Fifth Annual Convention of the American Section of the Theosophical Society’, 1891


    ITC is committed to connect all Theosophists, supporting them in their common cause. This common cause can be described as forming a nucleus of universal brotherhood. The basis for this is found in the principles that were presented by H.P.B. and her Teachers. These few principles form the common ground for all Theosophists.

    In 1875 H.P. Blavatsky joined a new phase in the development of humanity by making an enormous effort to present the Ageless Wisdom or Theo-Sophia under the name Theosophy, for the humanity of today and for the future generations. She tried to put it in more understandable words and free from dogmatism. It was a kind of Renaissance, a next re-embodiment of the Theo-Sophia in the western world, as happened many times in the past.

    From 1875 until 1891, when H.P.B. died, she worked continually, based on instructions from her Teachers and with the help of many co-workers, to explain the Theo-Sophia to “the orphan humanity”, highlighting the publications of the sublime works The Secret Doctrine and The Voice of Silence.

    If we ask what are the fundamental conceptions of that Theosophy, we prefer to let Blavatsky speak for herself in the Proem of The Secret Doctrine, vol I page 13 where she refers to the 3 + 3 propositions she says:

    Before the reader proceeds to the consideration of the Stanzas from the Book of Dzyan which form the basis of the present work, it is absolutely necessary that he should be made acquainted with the few fundamental conceptions which underlie and pervade the entire system of thought to which his attention is invited. These basic ideas are few in number, and on their clear apprehension depends the understanding of all that follows; therefore no apology is required for asking the reader to make himself familiar with them first, before entering on the perusal of the work itself.

    The Secret Doctrine establishes three propositions in Vol I plus another three in volume II.

    Taking this as a starting point means that whatever conclusions we draw from the theosophical teachings, they can never conflict with these 3+3 propositions. They will always have to reflect these “touchstones”.

ITC as Platform

Why primarily mentioning H.P.B

  • What is the reason that ITC primarily mentions H.P.B. in their Purposes? Show answer Close

    ITC emphasizes H.P.B., not the personality of Helena P. Blavatsky, because of the Adept Teachers behind her and the force working through her. She was the messenger of the Masters of Wisdom and Compassion who are part of the Lodge that periodically sends messengers to divulge as much of the Wisdom-Religion to humanity as it can benefit from and assimilate at any given time in human evolution. H.P.B. was a messenger for the spiritual impulse at the close of one cycle of 2160 years and in anticipation of the next such cycle as well as an even larger cosmic cycle.

    Since she was crucial in the founding of the modern Theosophical Movement in 1875, much more wisdom has been made public than before in recorded human history. The impulse she served continues, and the principles brought forward by H.P.B form the touchstone of all subsequent theosophical teachings. These principles form the common basis for all Theosophists whatever their Theosophical tradition or affiliation. At ITC we promote studying Theosophy in the light of these principles. We do not study to come to a shared agreement on one absolute or orthodox interpretation or dogma but rather to nurture a better understanding of these principles for individuals as each one strives to realize and apply their ethical and practical implications. As individuals differ in their understanding, interpretations will vary between us and even in each of us as we learn and grow spiritually. Our efforts are aimed at the Universal Brotherhood that was H.P.B.’s aim and focus. We welcome any contribution to our discussions and writings that illustrate these principles and helps us deepen our understanding of them.